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The Bowery


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“Here too are lanes and alleys, paved with mud knee-deep, underground chambers, where they dance and game; the walls bedecked with rough designs of ships, and forts, and flags, and American eagles out of number: ruined houses, open to the street, whence, through wide gaps in the walls, other ruins loom upon the eye, as though the world of vice and misery had nothing else to show: hideous tenements which take their name from robbery and murder: all that is loathsome, drooping, and decayed is here. Everything had a lounging, listless, madhouse air, which was very painful. The moping idiot, cowering down with long disheveled hair; the gibbering maniac, with his hideous laugh and pointed finger; the vacant eye, the fierce wild face, the gloomy picking of the hands and lips, and munching of the nails: there they were all, without disguise, in naked ugliness and horror.”

- Charles Dickens




The Old Quarter, otherwise known as "The Bowery" is the lower-class tenements in Saint Denis' north-east side. This underprivileged district is home to all manner of squabbling families, immigrants and low-rent gangs. It is comprised of intersecting streets, each with their own respective crew or religious zealots. Each try to stamp their mark in history, making ends meet however possible. From gamblers to floozies, pick-pockets to thugs, it's clear all manner of life traverse these alleys. Only time will tell who will become the victor of battles to come.



Life is a fight for a knife in the mud. And in Saint Denis' north end, knives are worth plenty.

Saint Denis is a city of prosperous market squares and grand theatre shows. The home of artistry, industrialization, fine tailoring and the smoke stacks of newly built refineries. Economic changes have brought newfound explorers - immigrants - looking to make their coin and fulfill the American Dream. As a result, Saint Denis' land owners have built the tenements - rickety apartments with little irrigation, plumbing, or safety regulations. Stacked housing and poor living conditions a by-product of apathetic leadership and political strife. Poverty has struck this area with a devastating blow - sending any and all who inhabit this close-quartered neighborhood to usher in illegal practices. Police be damned. In the north-end, there are no rules.

Take to the streets with a wieldy weapon and claim your stake. Forge alliances with others or commit to rivalries. Gamble in some downtrodden alley or bruise a passerby for coin. Enjoy the company of a local floozy or that of your fellow gang members. Defend your street and attack all those who oppose you. Whoever you are or whatever you do, one thing is certain - you settle things the old way. Hatchets. Knives. Clubs. Weapons of honor. Pistols are for dandies and dudes. This is how feuds are settled and battles won. This is The Old Way - an unwritten law of Saint Denis' streets and the people there-in.

This concept is entirely composed in lieu of establishing story and fleshing out the city of Saint Denis. It is an open-ended flux of ideas, hoping to bring some grit and conflict to the streets of the northern end. This is a small area - hopefully soon to be full of great interactions, fun games, heavy drinking, foolery and fights. If you're searching for a home, this might be a great place to do it - considering you're an Irish traveler, Anglo-Saxon nativist, Guarma immigrant or even downright local drunkard. Hopefully, with some time and community-driven narratives, we can establish this area as a staple of the server.








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  • The title was changed to The Bowery

Hello to all the gangs and welcome to the neighborhood! Don't mind us St Denis born civvies that live around there will ya.
Hope this goes great. I'd love to have people to rp with next to my little shithole of an apartment.

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