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El Zorro del Desierto


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Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente


"The enemies of the country and of freedom of the people have always denounced us as bandits."


“I am resolved to struggle against everything and everybody.”


“A man’s strength is in his mind, not his trigger finger.”


This screenshot gallery showcases the life of Ribera and others—please note that all content shared here is strictly for OOC enjoyment!

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Suspiros de México


Born in 1844 near the border town of San Lázaro, Jesús Ribera grew up under the crushing weight of war, poverty, and a ruthless hacienda system. Tired of backbreaking farm work and hungry for more, he drifted into a life of crime, trading the plow for a pistol when needed. By his twenties, Ribera joined forces with the infamous Pablo Salcedo, leading daring raids across the border—robbing ranches, wagons, and taking hostages. A farmer’s son who struggled with morality...





In 1883, betrayal came from within. Former family friend Juan Ríos sold Jesús and Pedro out to the Federales, following a money dispute. Captured and sentenced to die, they staged a daring escape, disappearing into the darkness of the desert...

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