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Hofley's Bunch


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“Them negros, them negros! Them negros from Blackwater, I tell yaᅳ robbed me of all I had! Five dollars, I tell ya!”

Harrison Whitfield's cries echoed throughout the small town of Strawberry, his voice dripping with fury as he recounted a harrowing holdup. Isaac Hofley and his contemporaries had made off with five dollars after beating and robbing the wealthy white landowner. 

To them, five dollars was a fortune, a lifeline to survival in a harsh, unyielding environment such as Tahoma. Despite the crew’s newfound wealth, they struggled. The group of outcasts, poor, hungry and scorned for their skin color, faced daily challenges to survive.  After laying low for a time, desperation drove a sick and hungry Isaac Hofley to the doorstep of the Blackwater General Store. Hofley sauntered inside, a sly grin plastered on his face to hide his true anguish. Ill-gotten change in hand, he approached the counter, in hopes of purchasing food, medicine, and other necessities.
But Tahoma had no mercy for colored folk. 

The shopkeeper, filled with disdain, stared Isaac down. He was unmoved by the money Hofley carried. To him, it didn't matter how a black man obtained his bills. Stolen or earned, Hofley's money was worthless. With no chance of argument, Hofley was thrown out in mere seconds. Empty handed and humiliated, Hofley's hopes remained high, unbroken in the face of scorn and rejection.

In Blackwater, and all of Tahoma, surviving wasn't just an act of struggle; it was a rebellion

The Isaac/George Hofley Gang, most commonly referred to as Hofley’s Bunch, was a ragtag band of outlaws, composed primarily of marginalized African Americans, poor laborers, and social outcasts. Despite the predominantly black demographic, the clique was welcoming to all, regardless of ethnicity or social standing. Bound together by desperation, and a shared defiance to the ineffectual order imposed by lawmen, and the higher class alike. The group operated on the fringe of society, scraping by through petty crime. Though illegal, their actions stemmed from the struggle faced as African Americans on the frontier, rather than out of malicious intent. For most, this lifestyle was not a choice. Sheer survival dictated their every move, ushering them into a harsh and violent life of robbery, horse theft, and smuggling, driven by the hunger and desperation that had shaped their lives. Though their actions painted them as outlaws, the clique believed themselves to be survivors, pushed beyond law by a world that refused to give them a place within it.image.png

((Hofley’s Bunch looks to portray a realistic African American outlaw group in the 1880s. No OOC racism, disrespect or harassment will be tolerated. We focus on creating a realistic storytelling environment for all roleplayers, including anybody outside of the faction wishing to interact with us. All of our recruitment is handled ICly. Character development through in-game actions and screenshots is of the utmost importance to us, and will be expected by all members that wish to progress. If Interested, create a well rounded character fitting the demographic of our crew, and send a forum PM to @confuzld, @alotly or @Mama920))

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