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Vermilion Homestead


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Vermilion Homestead, nestled deep in the rolling Heartlands of New Hanover, is a revitalised fixture of agricultural promise. It’s situated a short ride from the bustling town of Valentine and within close reach of neighbouring ranches, standing as testament to the pioneering spirit that drives this region. The homestead is known best for its golden fields of wheat, a crop that flourishes there and finds ready markets in Valentine and beyond. 

The farm has recently changed hands and is now under the stewardship of the Broussard family, who aim to breathe fresh life into the property, transforming it into a flourishing source of local crops, trade, and community connection. Though wheat remains the pride of Vermilion, the land is suited for a variety of crops, in addition to fruit and vegetables, fodder is also cultivated to support both local needs and to foster trade with nearby ranches. Each harvest reflects the Broussard’s dedication to the land, and to building a sustainable, locally supportive future.

With plans to expand from staple crops into artisan goods, the Broussards aim to establish Vermilion Homestead as a focal point of diverse, high-quality produce in cooperation with business partners. Such sundries expected to come from Vermilion are; preserves, whole-grain foods, confectionaries, liquors, and in an attempt to bring the Broussard family culture to you, gumbo.

The farm may be a familiar and unassuming landmark, but under its new ownership promises to grow into a thriving steading.

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Purpose and Intent

As returning members of the community, our aim is to establish a unique space for immersive roleplay (RP), encouraging new and diverse interactions. Vermilion Homestead will serve as a new avenue for players to take when seeking stories and exchanges, facilitating unique experiences and fresh alternatives for people to take in order to develop their characters' story. Introduction of another farmstead will add depth to New Hanover and the surrounding counties' economies, reducing reliance on distant farms while enriching trade and business through partnerships and cooperation.

We’re motivated to create a farm atmosphere that draws from traditional American homesteading, focusing on realistic, passive RP, and historicity. We also aim to bring a new dimension to the server’s economy, avoiding monopolies and sparking RP through competition, trade, and business partnerships. 

Once established we have plans to host various events for the public such as cookouts and shindigs, even utilising our venue to help host other players’ events. We’d also offer a greater amount of faction-focused events for those who work or are associates of our homestead, some of which being: barn raising, hunting or fishing expeditions, firewood and timber gathering, winter preparations, and more. These events aim to deepen IC and OOC connections, making Vermilion Homestead a lively hub for diverse roleplay!

How to Get Involved

First and foremost we encourage you to find and engage with us in character, we encourage any positive interactions. If you're looking for a slow-paced, low-intensity roleplay experience that focuses on character development and story progression, look no further! As with all farms, Vermilion needs workers to function, and so will welcome anyone with intention to contribute to the day-to-day of the homestead.

The faction owner(s) are open to reasonable DMs regarding roleplay opportunities:

We also have a discord server for potential associates and employees: https://discord.gg/zy7XgbEnMv

We look forward to seeing you become a part of our story at Vermilion Homestead!


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Acquainting with Harmony Hill


The Broussards welcome their new neighbours onto their homestead.







Business is discussed between Vermilion Homestead and Harmony Hill in relation to supporting the community through the harsh winter ahead.

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