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Armadillo is one of the few remaining boomtowns of the American West that's under developing seemingly hasn't progressed from the 1880s, in contrast to the modern industrialized northern settlements characterized by the city of Blackwater. Armadillo is a common hangout for bandits, who continue to bring violence and chaos to the town. Duels are not uncommon, making it a place where danger is ubiquitous.


"This was a boomtown, with mostly wooden buildings constructed quickly by settlers heading into the West to seek their fortunes. A recent outbreak of cholera has devastated the once prosperous town, forcing many businesses to close their doors."


Armadillo, a small, dusty town nestled in the heart of the New Austin County, embodies the rugged charm of a bygone era of the American West. With its wooden saloons and sun-bleached storefronts, the town buzzes with the activities of ranchers, outlaws, and travelers alike. The air is thick with the scent of leather and gunpowder, punctuated by the distant sound of cattle lowing and the clink of spurs on wooden boards. A central dirt road, often stirred up by the hooves of horses and the wheels of wagons, serves as the lifeblood of the community, leading to the bustling marketplace where local goods and stories are exchanged. As the sun sets, the flickering lanterns cast a warm glow, illuminating the faces of weary souls who gather at the saloon for a drink and a game of cards, making Armadillo a microcosm of ambition, survival, and the untamed spirit of the frontier.

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OOC Information

This thread can be used by all those who wish to showcase their roleplay as a local of Armadillo or New Austin County, and for players who want to post relevant posters and advertisements.

Feel free to join the New Austin County Discord Server by using this link: https://discord.gg/HFCMXGhkAv

Any inqueries can be sent over Forum PMs or on Discord by contacting @thatyanke

"Armadillo Awaits!"



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Armadillo, The Beginning ~ Lucas Lyman


Determined, I made the long ride from Valentine to Armadillo, driven by the promise of new life for pioneers and settlers. Through trees, plains, rivers, and dusty rocks. Upon entering Armadillo the first thing I noticed was the smell. It was the smell of destruction. Fire smoldering. Not the great kind of fire, like a camp fire with a piece of good game meat on it. No, this was the smell of fire that no one wants. The next thing I noticed was the silence. Like a ghost town long abandoned equally by people and hope. I expected a bustling town, full of hope and life. Instead I was met with solitary silence. Yes, the undertaker was building a coffin, and the lady on the porch was coughing. But where are the pioneers? Where are the settlers?

Left with the choice of giving up and going back East, or digging in like the pioneers before me, I decided to stay! After buying a bit of seed from a local, I have gotten to work cultivating this tough rocky soil, and trying to bring some life to a dusty forsaken land. Starting a small produce stand, Lyman Produce Co., and farming just outside town, I hope to see this piece of coal in the middle of the brush become a diamond in the rough. I have purchased a small apartment, just at the saloon. This is gonna be a good life out here in the West....

Screenshot 2024-10-30 185939.png

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