Lawliet Posted October 25, 2024 Share Posted October 25, 2024 NOTE: I apologize for issues with formatting. However it's what the parser spits when people use /me's with color. I don't have the patience to keep cleaning it up, so it's just there this time around. Judge: Ashley R. Pauncefote Prosecutor: Gabriel Wolfe Defendant: Tate Elm, Bonnie Page Defense: N/A Charges: Aggravated Assault, Bank Robbery Verdict: Tate Elm: Charges Dismissed | Bonnie Page: Guilty of Bank Robbery, Not Guilty of Aggravated Assault Sentence: Pending Appeal Beginning Proceedings Spoiler Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The United States District Court is now in session for the Initial Trial of Bonnie Page and Tate Elm. Mr. U.S. Attorney, please read the charges. Gabriel Wolfe says: Both Mister Elm and Miss Page are both bein' charged with Article One-Ten Bank Robbery and Three-Three-b, assault. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Thank you. Mr. Elm, how do you plead to the charges? Tatum Shooter says: Not guilty, y'honor. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: So noted. Ms. Page? Bonnie Page says: What's that mean, now? Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Do you admit to the crimes of which you are accused, or do you declare yourself to be innocent? Bonnie Page says: Oh. Bonnie Page says: I am innocent, yessir. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Not guilty to both parties. Mr. U.S. Attorney, you may proceed with your argument. Prosecution Argument Spoiler Gabriel Wolfe says: Yes your honor - Well.. This one ought to be rather quick as though the charges are grave in nature and the tale complex. The facts are not. On 20 October. Just around the block at the local bank here in town. Those who stand before you orchestrated and executed a robbery of the financial institution. A group of four, perhaps five were seen by multiple individuals departin' the bank after its robbery, includin' Miss Page who has been identified by the bank tellar as bein' one who partook in said robbery. Mister Elm however... Mister Elm was on a nearby rooftop, presumably providin' overwatch. Whether it was in defence of his comrades or a sheer coincidence. He engaged with US Marshals in a gun fight but was ultimately defeated and stands before you here. Some US Marshals were injured, includin' Chief Deputy Thorne beside me. A quiet town, a violent act, a heinous one at that. The funds still outstandin' along with their accomplices. With any luck, justice against those that were caught can occur today. Defense Arguments Spoiler Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Do either of you have anything you'd like to say in your defense? * Bonnie Page made all sorts of faces similar to disgust and more familiar to boredom as Gabriel Wolfe prattled on about this whole charade. Which is, of course, what Page meant to look like. ^0"I ain't gonna say nothing until there's a lawyer and a jury." Ashley R. Pauncefote says: And have you any attorneys you know who might want to provide you service? Bonnie Page says: No. Can I send after some? Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Under the Initial Trial system set in place for our state, now is the time to voice any points you may want to put forth in your own defense. If there is no lawyer here, then the next opportunity will be in the appeals court. So. That in mind. Anything to say? * Tatum Shooter cleared his throat and looked toward Ashley. ^0 This where we'd make our case an' that? That what you're askin', y'honor? Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Yes, Mr. Elm. * Tatum Shooter nodded a few times, eyeing Eoin and Wolfe a moment, then back to looking at Pauncefote while he spoke. ^0 Right... F'th'charge of bank robbery, I weren't anywhere near th'bank durin' th'whole ordeal, so it's ain possible f'me t'have held up anybody inside it, an' I didn't force m'self inside no vault. I were onna roof f'most of it. ^6 He swallowed, using that as a short pause to gather his own thoughts. He cleared his throat once more and continued. ^0 As f'th charge of assault, it a long story, ^6 he declared with a quick nod. ^0 I were on th'ground when th'shootin' started, close t'th'hotel, an' then I booked it f'the alleyway an' got on th'rooftop of th'same hotel. Once I got up there, two men on a different roof started shootin' at me, so I started shootin' back, an' then people on th'ground started firin' it at me as well, so I shot back in self-defense. Either th'marshal Mister Carson shot at me, or somebody close t'him, but I fired back his way an' didn't injure him at all. Next I remember I were in th'hospital an' all that. Th'reasonin' f'gettin' up there in th'first place were t'shoot down on th'robbers since it has a good view on th'door. I figure people assumed I'm with'em 'cause I don't come into town often. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Very well. Thank you, Mr. Elm. Ms. Page, a statement? Or are you going to leave it at that? Bonnie Page says: What I got say that hadn't been said and dismissed outright already, judge? Now I ain't even heard your name and I much would like to know such before I get to speaking on at length with you. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The court acknowledges no statement of defense from Defendant Page. Give me a moment to put the matter in writing and I will announce my findings. Bonnie Page says: Hell you mean, no statement? I ain't delivered it 'cause I ain't know your name just yet. Now you want to- Bonnie Page says: How I meant to talk to you with this big ugly white boy in my way? Ashley R. Pauncefote says: You stated, and I quote, 'what I got to say that hadn't much been said and dismissed outright already'. That is, to my ear, an acknowledgement you've nothing to proffer. Regardless of what my name may be. The court acknowledges and records as such. If you want to give a statement in your defense, you may do so or you may choose not to. But I'm not sitting here for back and forth aside the point. * Bonnie Page claps her hands on the bars. She narrows a look on Pauncefote. ^0"So you a judge what doesn't like to talk to nobody. I figure this a contradiction on the state of your current employment, but fine, I'll talk at you." ^6Page levies her weight on the cold iron, more on her right than her left. ^0"I'd just been going on my errands is how it was, strolling through town on the account of my ward's necessities, high and many as they have and I'm sure you know the type," ^6she speaks to Pauncefote as though she expects a response and continues anyways, stifling the offered silences into a singular stream of consciousness. ^0"Down the main street it was, I'd just finished out by the bakery and was drifting on through this alley, right on by the bank, when sudden-like this fellow opened the door and came flying right back out on the street, see." Bonnie Page says: .. so I got to screaming, as anyone might on such a sight, and made on fleeing while the whole town done erupted like a volcano. Up on this horse I was, and suddenly I weren't no more, 'cause amidst all this hellfire and confusion, they'd gotten it in their head that *I* was the same negro as what was in the bank, and I assure you, it weren't me. I saw this girl in the saloon, the one run by the German? Now that, that is your prize blackie. Bonnie Page says: .. but me? I just from Georgia and on retainer, is how it is. So you put that on record, judge. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: And it shall be entered so. Anything further? Bonnie Page says: No. You write all that down? Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Yes, it is taken down. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to respond to you verbatim earlier, Ms. Page. * Bonnie Page nods once, pleased. ^0"Good." Findings Spoiler Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Now then. * Ashley R. Pauncefote exhales deeply, once more resuming writing on the necessary documentation. * Bonnie Page fancies a glare over her shoulder on Tate Elm. ^0"You'd best be keeping those eyes for yourself, boy." Bonnie Page says: That's right. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The court finds as following: Ashley R. Pauncefote says: In the matter of Tate Elm, the court has not received any evidence to declare whether or not he had shot first. Furthermore; his account provides clear doubt as to whether or not he was part of the group altogether. The charges against him are at this time dismissed. Ashley R. Pauncefote says: In the matter of Bonnie Page, the court documents provide that she was positively identified /inside/ of the bank during the robbery, as a member of the robbery group. Further, such statements provide she used firearms to...Well, 'obliterate' an individual who walked in. Unfortunately, the court has not been presented any information or evidence /specifically/ to deal with those injuries or that individual. As such, I am dismissing the charge of aggravated assault. But the identification of staff inside the bank is a clear and direct contradiction to the statement of defense as proffered. At this time, the court finds Bonnie Page guilty of Bank Robbery. As this verdict is the result of an Initial Trial, you are permitted to launch an appeal at your soonest possible opportunity. Do you wish to appeal this verdict, Ms. Page? * Bonnie Page strokes her chin with a slow thought, the machinations of her mind slowly turning like cogwork. ^0"Yes. Cause y'all got it wrong." Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Then I wish you luck with the court of appeals. We're adjourned until such time as they review the matter. 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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