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City of Saint Denis

Saint Denis

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A COMMUNITY THREAD for Residents, Visitors and Enjoyers of Saint Denis to post Collective, Collaborative and Cooperative media and roleplay.



The City of Saint Denis stands as the industrial titan of Tahoma, aptly nicknamed as the Crown Jewel of Lemoyne. The troubled social landscape of the city has long since been a heavy topic for people of Tahoma; as the unsettling history of the city's social and political endeavours have been dragged through mud, kicking and screaming while being hoisted up the flagpole of modern journalism.

Tragedies rings true for the historical predecessors of the Mayor's office and Chief of Police's precinct all the same; as all men with a code of ethics and an armour embedded with honor are relentlessly bombarded with the looming criminality of the Bowery and the organised syndicates of the high street all the same. The streets of our beautiful Captial are left to the wolves as a struggling police department attempts to spar and grapple with the rising threats to the citizenship.

Through the era of a political uprising in the form of the infamous Socialists, the multiple assassinations of major political figures who dare to step up to the throne of city leadership, and the lacking civil service resources of the current iteration of the S.D.P.D. and local governence; the city hangs in the balance as the immigration of Italian and Irish bandits, hooligans and troublesome individuals pose a new threat to the peace and civility of this entrepreneurial hub.


Now, in the year 1900, a new chapter of Saint Denis is surely about to be turned as the lawful agency sees new blood and breath. It wasn't until one Chief Russ McCluskey took the reigns of the SAINT DENIS POLICE DEPT. that a resurgence in urban policing made a return. Alongside the advancing technological commerce of Saint Denis; the roster, work ethic, headquarters and devices used in the First Precinct all ran parallel to the progressing City. The Detective's Bureau and Patrol Division of the Force became fully developed, and the streets of St. Denis were once more being graced with the blues of the local policeman. With the uprise of organised crime once again, through notorious families such as the Gaetano, Dalmasso and Malgeri, known locally as THE MALGERI CONNECTIONS, there was a clear need for a more concentrated lawful force to patrol the streets.

Families and legacies ooze out the social landscape, as key players such as the LARSSONS, GAETANOS, LAMBERTS, LUTHERS, CHATSWORTHS and BLACKLEYS all stake their claim in the fragmented social dynamics of the City, hoping to become the next big thing and take any and all advantages presented to them in their endeavours to claim a slice of the pie for their own. Their motives? Questionable, perhaps. Concerning, moreover, to a resident of the shining jewel. The intertwining connections, agendas and directives of these bloodlines could spell tragedy, disaster or promise and prevelance to the people of Saint Denis; but these plans are yet to come to fruition, and are yet to open the Pandora's Box of family feuds.

The beauty of the THÉÂTRE RÂLEUR and LA BASTILLE are restored under the imagination and ambition of Ms. Desdemona Warwick and Ms. Emilienne Valeura respectively, in an attempt to reignite the once wonderous nightlife of Saint Denis. Under the efforts of plays, musicals, dinners and cigar lounges - the new magnate and tycoons of the city hope to rise alongside the reinvigorated law enforcement efforts in hopes of seeing their once shining capital be the star of the show once more. It is to be hoped that the glow of these new enterprises will inspire a new wave of business, trade, commerce and leisurely travellers riding through the City, and to restore the Crown Jewel of Lemoyne to it's former glory.



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