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In-Game Server Rules


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Common sense will be applied in situations that are not adequately covered by the rules. We abide by a philosophy of "common sense will thrive where rules will not" here at STRP.

1.1 Right To Refuse
Server Management reserve the right to pre-emptively blacklist players, or remove players from the server that they regard as unfit for the server due to prior or current conduct.

1.2 Loopholes & Ignorance

  • We expect players to use common sense in the absense of nuance specifics to make sensical decisions.
  • Malicious loopholing by taking obvious routes to swerve past our written rules is prohibited.
  • Ignorance of the rules will not be entertained.

1.3 Respect
Be respectful to the playerbase. While STRP entertains negatives themes from an in-character perspective, we will not entertain these themes (e.g. harassment, derogatory language, slurs, homophobia, bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexism, etc.) on any out-of-character platform endorsed by STRP.



2.1 Remain In-Character
Players must remain in character at all times, except during an Administratively-authorised pause.

  • Example of Rulebreak
    • 'Practicing' shooting OOCly with a friend, and when someone walks up to you and attempts roleplay, you inform them in /b you are OOC.
    • Nonsensically running around the map, parkouring - and once interacted with ICly, attempting to inform them you were 'not here ICly'.

2.2 Pausing & Self-Voiding
You may not pause or self-void roleplay scenes. Only an Administrator can do so.

2.3 Logging to Avoid
You may not disconnect to avoid (consequences of) roleplay unless in case of an emergency. In such cases, kindly inform any relevant parties in /b, and if possible, file a /report letting us know you have an emergency for prooflogging purposes.

  • In the case of criminal or combative roleplay, you must wait 30 minutes before disconnecting.

2.4 Respawning to Avoid
You may not respawn post-death to avoid (consequences of) roleplay involving your corpse. Remain spawned until it is obvious roleplay has concluded.



Powergaming is defined as performing actions which would not be realistically possible to do in a roleplaying scenario, especially physical feats that no normal human being would be capable of. It is also defined as forcing roleplay upon other players without granting them the chance to respond.

3.1 Swarming & Delaying Roleplay

  • You may not swarm other roleplayers with rapid-fire emotes with the obvious intent to disallow them a response time.
    e.g. You roleplay grabbing a person's hand, twisting it behind their back, pulling a rope out, tying them up all in one single emote.
  • You may not stack a single emote with malicious obfuscation with the intent to 'bury' the directive of the emote.
    e.g. You roleplay firing a gun, but the actual words pertaining to its discharge are buried in the /me after 40 unnecessary adjectives.
  • Players may not delay roleplay with malicious intent; effectively stalling the scene.
    e.g. You're being robbed, and in bad faith are specifically avoiding replying to or responding to your assailant in hopes of a random rescue.

3.2 Inventory Powergaming
You must roleplay your inventory accurately, reflect of what B shows you. Inconsequential items (such as family photographs) are permitted.

3.3 Victim Powergaming
As a victim of a robbery or search, you must roleplay items appropriately based on the details of the assailant's search. You may not roleplay 'hiding' or 'stashing' items or monies in awkward places, unless you have roleplayed this prior to the search.

  • Examples of Rulebreak
    • You roleplay having $0 on you, even though you are carrying $200, or vice versa, or you roleplay carrying a revolver that you do not have.
    • You roleplay that your lockpick is hidden in a custom-made slit in your boot, without ever having specified that in previous roleplay.



Metagaming is defined as taking out-of-character (OOC) information and using it for in-character (IC) roleplay benefits. For example, utilising third party applications to facilitate extensive roleplay/schemes, or to facilitate a real time response to being victimized (robbed, arrested, chased, etc.). You may also not utilize OOC sections of the game (such as the Faction forums, or Nameplates) for IC knowledge or information.

4.1 Intertwining of Characters
You must take every available avenue to avoid your characters knowing or interacting with each other. New characters may not spawn with pre-existing relationships of other characters you play in a specific effort to aid them (lawfully, informatively, monetarily, or otherwise). You may create characters to extend a family, start a faction, or evade RPQM issues (e.g. you own Spicking Mining Co. on one character as a CEO, but want a second character as a miner, because the CEO would never realistically be in the mines.).

  • Examples of Rulebreak
    • You play a Bounty Hunter, and use your second character slot to obtain information that your Bounty Hunter needs.
    • You have two characters involved in the same narrative, on both sides of the story.

4.2 IC Communications on OOC Platforms
You may not use any OOC platforms for IC communication without explicit permission from Faction Management.

4.3 Returning to the Scene of your Death
You may not return to the scene of your death until all active roleplaying surrounding the death has absolutely concluded. Equally, you may not roleplay solving your own murder; or refer to your dead character(s) on a different character.

4.4 Efforts to Identify & Nameplating
You must make appropriate efforts to identify characters via investigation or rudimentary recognition, whether they are using the Mask system (to appear as Stranger 0000) or not. Hence, malicious identification using on-screen nameplates is forbidden.



Deathmatching is defined as the attacking (or killing) of other players for little to no IC reason or motive.

5.1 Provocation with Deathmatching Intent
You may not provoke other players with the sole intent of escalating the situation to nonsensical combat or killing, or to become wanted.

  • Examples of Rulebreak
    • Walking up to a man with blonde hair, insulting his blonde hair, and then withdrawing a weapon and killing him for being blonde.
    • Killing a ranch's livestock with the sole intention of baiting the law, without sensical or decently-escalated prior roleplay.
    • Murdering a member of a rival gang in Valentine, and then murdering everyone else just because they saw it occur.

5.2 Deathmatching via Vehicle
If you are using a wagon, horse, or any vehicle to ram through players or objects around players; you must do so with the appropriate /me or /cme.



Explicit Roleplay is defined as roleplay that may make other players uncomfortable. All roleplay of this nature must have permission from all parties involved; including people who may accidentally stumble upon it/see it in their chat. Players should make an active effort to conduct roleplay of this nature in secluded areas to minimized the probability of it being stumbled upon.

6.1 Permitted Explicit Roleplay Themes
Roleplay listed below can occur only in a secluded & private area, with explicit written permission of all involved (incl. spectators), and said permission must be acquired prior to any roleplay beginning.

  • Consensual Sexual Roleplay (only with prior written OOC consent from all involved parties and only in a private, secluded area.)
  • Gruesome Injuries
  • Prostitution Roleplay (only when the 'host', the 'prostitute' and the 'client' are all both ICly and OOCly clear on the nature of the roleplay.)
  • Sexual Harassment (only with prior written OOC consent from all involved parties)
  • Slavery (in backstories and historical reference only. Slavery is not permitted practically; nor can you allude to/accuse of slavery.)
  • Torture of Humans or Animals

6.2 Totally Banned Explicit Roleplay
Roleplay of the below listed themes (including active participation, explicit/implicit/detailed reference to, allusion to, or accusation of) is absolutely forbidden under all circumstances.

  • Beastiality
  • Cannibalism
  • Human Sacrifice
  • Necrophilia
  • Pedophilia
  • Rape
  • Sex Trafficking

6.3 Publication of Permitted Explicit Roleplay
Forum threads or official channels of communication that may include permitted explicit roleplay must be posted in a spoiler, with a rudimentary warning that said spoiler contains explicit roleplay.



7.1 Character Names

  1. Names may not be replicated from ST 1900, in an obvious attempt to reignite the character.
  2. Names cannot contain symbols or numbers.
  3. Names should be era appropriate.
  4. Nicknames are forbidden.
  5. Famous names are forbidden.
  6. Names relating to modern culture are forbidden.

7.2 Character Age
All created characters must be over the age of 18.

7.3 Character Portrayal
Characters must respect the appropriate societal, political and racial tones of the time (which must remain IC). Additionally, your character's fashion, weapons (and customizations), appearance and language must be reflective of the era. See RPQM for more.



All illegal actions must be carried out in a realistic manner, time and location. This is largely down to common sense. You should take active note of the three factors listed before committing any kind of illegal roleplay. We recommend reading the RPQM: Crime guidelines before engaging in illegal roleplay.

8.1.1 Robbery Rules

  1. You must have at least 8 hours in-game playtime banked on the character you are committing a robbery with.
  2. You may not kill a robbery victim unless provoked via the victim running away, fighting back, etc.
  3. You may perform (up to) 2 robberies in a 24-hour period. This includes scripted and non-scripted robberies.

8.1.2 Robbery Restrictions
A player's inventory, saddlebag, coach/cart/other vehicle's inventory may be robbed with appropriate roleplay and emotes.

  • It is forbidden to force another player to transfer the ownership of their horse, cart or property to you.
  • It is forbidden to force a player to withdraw money from a ledger or bank account.
  • It is forbidden to steal:
    • Whitelisted Crafting Books (medicine, veterinarian, fence, etc.)
    • (Society) Shop Tokens

8.2 Scamming Restrictions
Players may be 'scammed' using creative roleplay to obtain their assets with criminal intent, without explicit criminal force.

  • You must have at least 8 hours in-game playtime banked on the character you are committing a scam with.
  • You may not scam a player for more than $300 (total value of scammed goods).
  • It is entirely forbidden to scam: horses, carts, vehicles or properties.
  • You may perform 1 scam in a 24-hour period.



Areas on the map where hostile actions are strictly prohibited, unless an Administrator has authorised an instance of crime or combat.


  1. All customization areas (barber, tailor, make-up, etc.)
  2. All teleport prompts, whether naturally occuring or scripted in.
  3. All potential areas leading interface (stables blip, general store blip, etc.)

Combat & Crime that is allowed in Total Safe Zones:

  • Combat & Crime is not to occur in these areas under any circumstances.

Areas of the map where it would be unlikely to see larger crime occuring without pre-planning; due to assumed population and/or presence of LEO's.

The main stripall interiors and public spaces.
Back alleyways, and areas explicitly out of the public-eye do not qualify as LSZ's.

The two main streetsall interiors and public spaces.
Back alleyways, and areas explicitly out of the public-eye do not qualify as LSZ's.

The town centers on either side of Hawks Eye Creek, all interiors and public spaces.
Back alleyways, and areas explicitly out of the public-eye do not qualify as LSZ's.

An Unrestricted Safezone in its entirety (interiors and the town), with no restrictions on crime & combat.
Excludidng Heists & Schemes (Residential Property/Train Robberies, Heists, Arson/Demolition of buildings & Kidnapping of Law/Govt. characters) or Raids.

Additionally Covers:

  1. Government Safezones
    Banks, Forts, Lawfully-recognized Native Reservations, Federal & Law Buildings
  2. Faction & Business Safezones
    Immediate interiors and balconies of all commercial business buildings (saloons, gunsmiths, clinics, etc.) and headquarters' of Official Factions.
  3. Agricultural Safezones
    Buildings, workspaces, animal pens, fields etc. within the physically fence-constructed boundaries of the property.

Combat & Crime that is allowed in Limited Safe Zones:

  • Petty Crime (pickpocketting, petty theft, bar fights, hand-to-hand combat, harassment).
  • Mutual Combat (mutually agreed duels, mutually agreed combat (i.e. agreeing to gunfights, etc.)
  • Naturally Escalated Combat (properly & sensibily escalated combat with hand-to-hand, melee or ranged weaponary.)
    • You may not self-escalate to any instances listed under Heists & Schemes or Raids.
      These instances must be applied for or Discord ticketed appropriately.
  • Pre-agreed non-PVP criminality (e.g. a property owner pre-approves property damage)

Combat & Crime that needs pre-approval, but not immediate Staff supervision unless otherwise stated in the request:

  • Heists & Schemes
    Apply HERE
    • Heists & Schemes are defined as large-scale instances of criminality, combat or disruption that have the potential to cause severe consequences to peoples or property. As such, they require an external application process.
      • Residential Property Robberies
      • Train Robberies
      • Heists
      • Arson or Demolition of player-owned or player-visited buildings
      • Kidnapping of Law/Government characters
  • Raids (Raid.png)
    Apply HERE
    • Raiding is defined as a major attack or violent harassment of any town, ranch, plantation, business, law enforcement, government, federal or Faction HQ building with severe malicious intent directed at the inhabitants or property in question.
    • You may find the Raiding Rules in full under Faction Rules, Rule 5.1.
  • Safezone Bypass (Safezone.png)
    Apply HERE
    • You may apply to commit combat & crime not already allowed in Limited Safe Zones through our Discord ticket system. Be prepared with a proper motive & reason for your instance to occur. It does not have to be an essay; it simply has to be sensical. You should expect a reply to your Discord ticket within 2 hours.
  • Jailbreaks (1pwew1b.png)
    Apply HERE
    • Jailbreak attempts may sometimes require further consideration, so please allow extra time and don't dive deep into the roleplay before your request is approved. We require jailbreaks to run through our bypass system in the spirit of fair roleplay for Law Agencies on the server, and to requisition a spectating Administrator if required.
      • Members of the relevant LEA must be online (but not necessarily present at the location/jail in question).
      • Jailbreaks extend to any attempts at aiding the jailed character through the passing of tools or weapons.
    • CK Note: Failed jailbreak attempts where the attackers and/or the jailed individual(s) are downed and receive no medical treatment or are executed become subject to 12.4 Character Kills via Poor Escalation, or Administrative Discretion.

If you are unsure what your proposed instance falls under - query it via the  Submit.png discord system.

Thieves Landing is where the presence of criminalty would be expected, and the presence of law enforcement would be explicitly unwelcome. Designed to be a criminal hive, where law enforcement may only intervene in these areas in the below circumstances.


Combat & Crime that is allowed in Thieves Landing:

  • All crime and combat is permitted, excluding:
    • Anything that falls under a Heist & Schemes.
    • If the crime & combat occurs in a TOTAL SAFE ZONES or the interiors of the Thieves Saloon and Thieves Hostel.
      • In the case of the LSZ's, the appropriate ticket must be filed; whether it be a Safezone Bypass, or Raid.
  • Law Enforcement may not enter Thieves Landing on law enforcement endeavours unless one of the following pre-requisites are met:
    • Law Enforcement are responding to real-time criminal activity (e.g. hearing gunshots, hearing a /s for help, etc.)
    • Law Enforcement are acting with proper, sensical & appropriately escalated corruption.
    • Law Enforcement are acting undercover with proper & appropriate roleplay, as well as fear of having their 'cover blown'.
      LE who feign being 'corrupt' or 'undercover' with the intent of bypassing the spirit of Thieves Landing will be disciplined.
    • Law Enforcement are acting on probable cause. (This is NOT reasonable suspicion. Seek an Admin for the difference.)
    • Law Enforcement end up in an Unlawful Zone via a chase from outside of an Unlawful Zone.
    • An approved raid is taking place.
  • Bounty Hunters may enter Thieves Landing in the pursuit of claiming a Bounty, however upon initiating the roleplay of pursuing a bounty (whether D, A or DoA); the Bounty Hunter is susceptible to a CK until the Bounty is successfully delivered to an appropriate Federal building or Sheriff's Office. If a Dead or Alive Bounty is not delivered; the Bounty target receives a PK instead.
    • Bounty Hunters are of course subject to 12.2 Character Kills without Administrative Permission.
  • Criminals may not retreat into an Thieves Landing after committing a crime until 60 minutes have elapsed.

Tumbleweed & the rest of the map. Crime & Combat is considered "free for all", and no criminal or combative instances require administrative permission or supervision except Heists & Schemes or Raids.



The purpose of the Rules of Engagement is to ensure that a text-based server can function hand-in-hand with real time gameplay mechanic (e.g. shootouts, etc.). They also exist to ensure a fair dynamic and playing field for naturally occuring enemy concepts (e.g. Criminals v. Law Enforcement).


10.1 /cme, /cmelow & /cmelong (/combatme)
The final emote serving as the initiation of combat must be a /cme, not a /me.
This will populate a longer-range, crimson red emote to advise your opponent of immediate incoming hostility.

  • Only the final emote before the actual initiation of gameplay-combat (both melee and ranged) must be a /cme (e.g. the actual punch being sent, weapon being discharged, knife being thrown, etc.), not aiming, not emotes in the run up to combat, not warning shots, or escalation emotes.
  • Use common sense to select the distance of your /cme pursuant to the range of your target. If in doubt, use /cmelong.
    • /cmelow should be used for melee attacks (hands, fists, or melee weaponary) or attacks at absolute point blank range only.

10.2 Post-/cme Combat
Upon a /cme deployment, no further roleplay from any party is required for retaliation Roleplay must resume upon the obvious conclusion of combat.

10.3 Initiating Gunplay
Initiation of gunplay (gun discharge for any reason) must consist of two elements of roleplay. These elements do not have to be consecutive in the chatbox.

  • Production of Weaponary: your weapon is produced from a holster, sheathe, or otherwise.
    • If your weapon is already produced (e.g. in an ambush, riding into a combat zone), you need not re-roleplay its production.
  • Weapon Discharge: your weapon is fired for the first time (the first bullet, arrow, bomb, fist thrown, etc.)
    • If in a PVP effort, a /cme must be used.
    • If in a PVE effort, an obvious warning shot directed away from your target, or inconsequential shooting, a /me should be substituted.
  • Weapon Types:
    • In one-handed weapons, both of these elements can be condensed into a single emote.
    • In two-handed weapons, these elements must occur on separate emotes.


10.4 Initiating 'At Gunpoint'
An assailant must make their intent to hold someone 'at gunpoint' clear via aiming at them with a /me(long) to trigger 10.5 Being 'At Gunpoint'.

10.5 Being 'At Gunpoint'
If you're being held 'at gunpoint', you must roleplay realistically as your character would, noting fear and preservation of life (see: 13.0). Any sensible alternatives (e.g. deescalation, begging, weaseling) to the below 3 options are permitted, but do not yield benefits/protections outlined below.

  • Fight
    You may opt to utilise 10.3 Initiating Gunplay & 10.1 /cme in an effort to counter your assailant through roleplay.
    • If you opt for Fight, an assailant may engage you without roleplay or utility of a /cme.
  • Flight
    You may opt to flee with or without roleplay, upon recognising the hostile intent of your assailant.
    • If you opt for Flight, an assailant may engage you without roleplay or utility of a /cme.
  • Comply
    You may opt to comply with the directives of an assailant.
    • A victim is protected by 10.6 Unnecessary Killing if they are obviously complying.
    • victim stalling an assailant's directives is susceptible to being killed, or in extreme cases administrative action (see: 3.1).
    • A victim opting to fight or fly after initially complying must utilise 10.3 Initiating Gunplay & 10.1 /cme OR 10.7 Fleeing respectively.


10.6 Unnecessary Killing
You may not kill an unexpecting victim if they are obviously complying, are unarmed and/or are non-threatening.

10.7 Fleeing
In scenarios that are not 10.5 Flight, you must make your intent to flee from a scenario that is in the clear direction of combat, arrest, criminality, or roleplay that is not simply 'passive' via /me(long) emote. (e.g. fleeing Deputies that are about to arrest you, fleeing a fistfight you feel is about to break out, etc.).

  • Upon fleeing, a chaser may begin immediate pursuit without roleplay, apprehending the fleeing party as appropriate (whether tackling or lasso usage).
  • 10.3 Initiating Gunplay & 10.1 /cme must be utilised (by either party) to initiate gunplay in pursuits that aren't 10.5 Flight.


10.8 Posse Limits
In the pursuit of combative, conflictable, chasing or 'active' roleplay endeavours, you are limited as to how many players can join your posse.

  • Unofficial Illegal, Criminal & Hostile Native Posses
    Posses of this type are limited to Seven players.
  • Official Illegal, Criminal & Hostile Native Posses
    Posses of this type are limited to Ten players.
  • Law Enforcement & Military Posses
    Posses of this type are limited to Ten players.

Players can manually request an increased posse limit for a sensible reason through the Fact.png ticket type. Further details regarding Posses (the definition of, fluctuating above and below limits, etc.) can be found on the Faction Rules, under Rule F8.


10.9 Lassos & Bolas

  • Lassos and Bolas may be used in the following scenarios:
    • To roleplay hogtying a complying victim.
    • To allow for a carrying animation of someone ICly non-responsive or unconscious.
    • To ambush or to be used in the obvious attempt to leverage the element of surprise.
    • To capture a target who has clearly engaged in fleeing or is attempting to evade capture.
  • Lassos & Bolas may not be used in:
    • active fistfights.
    • active gunfights.
    • what is obviously a mutually combative scenario.

10.10 Restricted & Forbidden Items and Ammunitions

  • Scoped Weapons are strictly forbidden in all PVP scenarios. Scopes are fine for hunting usage. In no circumstances may you engage in PVP combat while having a scoped weapon.
  • The following ammunition types are forbidden entirely, this includes PVP, PVE, ownership & crafting of:
    • Express Rounds
    • Incendiary Bullets or Fire Arrows
    • Explosive Bullets or Explosive Arrows



A Player Kill (PK) is the death of a player character that does not result in a character kill (CK). Self-PKing is a violation of 12.4 Character Kills via Poor Escalation, or Administrative Discretion, and could result in you being CK'd.

  • A 'Downed State' is the moment you hit zero hitpoints, and fall to the ground. At this point, you are incapacitated or unconscious.
  • 'Death State' is the moment you are either executed via 11.2, or PK/CK to other means. At this point, you are dead.

11.1 Injury
In a downed state, you must roleplay the injuries that have been emoted against you. In the absense of these emotes, you must roleplay an injury of significance, but not necessarily lifethreatening.

11.2 Execution
Upon an Execution, players are forbidden from benefitting from 11.3 Revival. You are in a death state, and must respawn within the parameters of the in-game timer, abiding by 2.4 Respawning to Avoid. An execution is:

  • The successful roleplay of a life ending injury (i.e. to the brain, to the heart, or otherwise obviously life-ending fatal injury).

11.3 Revival
In a downed state, you are eligible to receive medical treatment and be revived by one of the below three methods. Upon being revived, you are restricted from re-engaging in combative roleplay for x time, excluding self defense, obviously reactive combat or the preservation of your own life.

  • Morphine (1 Hour)
    In where a licenced doctor or nurse practioner performs medicinal roleplay, followed by utility of the Morphine item.
  • Field Aid (2 Hours)
    In where a friend or factionmate performs injury-relevant treatment roleplay to the wounded and then utilises /report; presenting the roleplay to the administrator, who has sole discretion to determine if a /revive is appropriate.
  • /treatment (2 Hours)
    A last resort in where you utilise a NPC /treatment spot outside of a doctor's clinic for a set price in the absense of an available Doctor or someone to administer field aid roleplay.


The New Life Rule forces memory loss of the events leading up to your death, and memory loss of the individual(s) responsible for your death. It becomes effective immediately upon respawning. Upon the New Life Rule, you may only remember three things, and hence roleplay the relevant dialogue and course of action:

  1. Where you were going.
  2. Why you were going there.
  3. Who you were with before you were put into the downed state
    However, if the answers to any of these questions implicates your assailants you must roleplay 11.4 Amnesia.

11.4 Amnesia
You must roleplay Amnesia (memory loss) if any asked or declared information leads to metagaming or the implication of your assailants. This means you forfeit any pre-existing knowledge of your assailants, as to accurately close the narrative and continue with your character without metagaming.



A character kill is when a player’s character is permanently killed, losing the character’s possessions and no longer being able to play with that specific character. You can not force another player to Character Kill. You are forbidden from remaking a CK'd character via the character creation menu. You must instead file a CK Appeal HERE.

You may be susceptible to a Character Kill under any of the below circumstances. If an Administrator is not readily available to perform a CK, players are welcome to /report if they suspect another player of being part of one of these circumstances, or file a Forum Report.

  • Capital punishment via hanging, electric chair or firing squad.
  • Voluntary character kills in response to being killed by another player.
  • Self-character kills via suicide or other self-inflicted means.
  • Dying in an attempt to execute an accepted Character Kill application.
  • Dying in an attempt to execute or assist in a jailbreak.

12.1 Character Kills & Dead or Alive Bounties
A 'Dead or Alive' Bounty is put on a character's head when they have performed crime severe enough to be placed on-the-hunt by State-wide Bounty Hunters and LEO's. A character may be Character Killed if:

  • You are the target of a Dead or Alive Bounty.
  • You are chasing the target of a Dead or Alive Bounty with the intent to complete said bounty.
  • You are initiating any lawful roleplay against a character with a Dead or Alive Bounty, and die during the roleplay.
    • This means if a DOA character is the obvious initiator (i.e. you are the recipient) of hostile roleplay, you are not liable for a CK.
    • If you are passively roleplaying in an area, and respond in real time to crime; you are not the initiator, hence you are not liable for a CK.
    • If you are actively choosing to respond as backup to a known DOA character (i.e. riding out to defend), you are liable for a Character Kill.
  • You are willingly involved in a law posse in the pursuit of a criminal who has a Dead or Alive Bounty, and die during the roleplay.

12.2 Self PKing
Choosing to Self PK to avoid further consequences (being arrested, avoiding jailtime/hanging/a trial, etc.) will result in a Character Kill.

12.3 Revocation of Character Kill Permissions
We reserve the right to revoke CK permissionsin the event that the initial roster of applicants fails, or die in an attempt to execute the CK.

12.4 Safezones & Character Kills
Efforts to conclude a Character Kill do not immediate require administrative oversight except if they occur in a Safezone, in which case you should seek administrative assistance HERE.



Characters are expected to react appropriately to trauma, terror and horror (e.g. being robbed, being held at gunpoint, witnessing murder, etc.). We expect characters to act with humanity, rather than fictionally-driven protagonistic tendencies. Characters are welcome to roleplay oddities of the era, in where trigger-happy idiots would rather "shoot their way out" of disadvantagous scenarios for example; but may risk being Character Killed upon choosing to do so.

  • Fear Roleplay
    We do not have a specific rule pertaining to Fear Roleplay. It is much more difficult to substantiate fear and qualify it explicitly in an era where characters did did not always have their self-preservation at the forefront of their actions. Hence, we expect common sense and courtesy.


These rules are in place to guide characters to act merely as an average citizen in our roleplaying world, rather than as the protagonist of the server narrative while being ignorant of their humanity, weaknesses, fear and realistic emotional responses to trauma. We do not expect the below three rules to be invoked often, as all it demands is a very reasonable assessment of your character's actions.

  • Character Kill Invocation
    Blatant violations of any of the below rules may constitute you receiving a Character Kill (and disciplinary action if necessary), upon administrative discretion in real time, or the result of an (in game or forum) report. We do not expect to be invoking this ruleset often, and would prefer to guide roleplay than to punish protagonistic tendencies; but reserve the right to do so if the violation is repeated, malicious or plain silly.

13.1 Preservation of Life
Victims of traumatic, terrifying or horrific roleplay (e.g. being robbed, being kidnapped, being held at gunpoint as an average Joe, etc.) are expected to roleplay with the preservation of their own life as their number one priority, and surviving the encounter being at the spearhead of their roleplay. Victims may opt to comply, fight back or flee, and are expected to choose as such in alignment with the expectations of their character. Failure to do so may result in this subrule being invoked.

13.2 Vigilantism & Protagonist Syndrome
You may opt to involve yourself as a vigilante in situations that do not directly concern your character (in where you do not have a direct 'allegiance', friendship or otherwise with either conflictable party), but should consider if your character would risk their life in a situation that ultimately does not involve them. Nonsensically acting as a superhero with protagonistic bravery may result in this subrule being invoked.

13.2 Voluntary Possemanning for the Law
Characters who don't work in a legal or law enforcement capacity, or do not have allegiance to judicial or lawful individuals may be asked to join a 'posse' by a lawman to assist them in criminal-seeking endeavours. If this is sensical for your character, feel free to join - however if your character doesn't sensically belong in a posse (e.g. elders, women, disabled persons) and wouldn't sensically risk their life, this subrule may be invoked.



14.1 Exploiting Bugs
Maliciously exploiting or abusing a bug will be subjected to an indefinite ban. Kindly make every effort to report bugs to the Administration.

14.2 Facilitating the Exploitation of Bugs 
Players that knowingly let someone else abuse or exploit a bug will be subjected to an indefinite ban.

14.3 Script Abuse
Malicious abuse of the script (i.e. usage with clear intent to harm, abuse, exploit or benefit from) will be subjected to an indefinite ban.

  • Examples of Rulebreak
    • Maliciously misusing administration-dropped items or assets.
    • Abusing the server's paycheck script via societies, factions, groups or organisation menus to bypass ranks.
    • Misusing role-specific whitelisted job crafting books, exclusive items, etc.

14.4 Macros, Autohotkeys & Clipboarding
You are forbidden from using macros, autohotkeys or other third party software (including simply copying & pasting emotes) in the pursuit of gaining an advantage over another player or in a /cme. There are two exceptions as outlined below.

  • Examples of Rulebreak
    • You sense a gunfight about to start and deploy a copy & pasted emote of you withdrawing and firing your revolver.
    • You initiate a series of autohotkeys to punch, kick and down a player in a /me deployed at rapid speed from the software.
    • You marco, autohotkey or clipboard a /cme to get the jump on incoming combat. No exceptions.
  • Exceptions
    • You are permitted to pretype/clipboard an emote to intiate roleplay (e.g. a trail robbery) in circumstances where the rider is travelling too fast for you to type an emote in time for them to read it.
    • You are permitted to use macros, autohotkeys & clipboarding in scenarios that are obviously passive or ultimately inconsequential (e.g. pouring drinks and having hotkeys for each 'shot' type, etc.),

14.5 AI Generated Content
The use of AI (artifical intelligence) generated content is prohibited from being used in IC scenarios; or any OOC efforts that aren't superficial (e.g. the use of AI in appeals, applications & requests is forbidden). Often times the use of AI will set unrealistic standards and be subject to RPQM investigation.



15.1 Real World Assets
Players (attempting to) trade in-game assets for real life assets, including real life money, will be permenantly banned.

15.2 Transfer of Assets between Characters
Players may not transfer items, money, horses, wagons or pets between alternate characters. This includes name-changing a character to "retain" assets, which is something we do not facilitate at this time.

15.3 Transfer of Assets without Roleplay
Giving money, items, horses, wagons and the like to other players should have sufficient roleplay reasoning and emotes.

15.4 Transfer of Donator Assets
You may not transfer gold, items, pets, perks or privileges that come with the Prospector or Trailblazer donator packages.



NPC rules are specific to the NPC's that spawn around the world. You do not necessarily need to know these rules unless you intend on roleplaying with, or acknowledging the existence of these NPC's in-game. You may read these rules by opening the spoiler.


16.1 NPC Roleplay
Players are allowed to roleplay with non-playable characters in superficial and simple interactions and nothing further. You may not attack NPC's unless they attack you first or become disruptive to the flow of roleplay.

16.2 Rumor Abuse
The 'Rumors' script is to be taken ICly, and used sensically at all times. Obvious attemtps to troll, OOC fuelled rumors, or any other improper use of the script is forbidden.

  • Players may generate rumors that their character would realistically be interested in spreading.
  • Players may generate rumors that are false, but must take care to not engage in (sub)conscious metagaming.
  • Players may not generate rumors about their own characters, including cross-character rumors.

16.3 NPC Abuse
Players may not use non-playable characters to metagame, powergame or to otherwise 'assist' them in player-driven scenarios. Non-playable characters may be used by Event Administrators to supplement events.

16.4 NPC Defenders
NPC's deployed in the obvious efforts to defend a person, property or otherwise (such as the Braithwaite Watchmen, the Annesburg Mine Guards) must be respected ICly. You should note their presence when commiting crime, combat or malicious roleplay in the viscinity.



The loan rules are specific to those involved in Financial or Banking Roleplay. You do not necessarily need to know these rules unless you intend in engaging in this type of roleplay. You may read these rules by opening the spoiler.


A loan is defined as the receiving of funding from a whitelisted Bank Owner, Banker or a representative of the bank to further progress your character's roleplay. Money loaned is funding delivered from the administration through your chosen banking roleplay route.

17.1 Loan Limitations

  • You may loan a total amount of $10,000 per character. This is a global hard limitation; and is not per bank.
  • You may only hold a loan on a maximum of two characters at one time.
  • You are forbidden from applying for a Personal Loan or Property Loan on another player's behalf, and invoking them in terms.
  • You are forbidden from killing bank staff with the specific intent to invoke the New Life Rule to avoid loan repayments.
  • You are forbidden from lying about your criminal record(s) if a Banker requests a criminal records summons from official judicial members of the Tahoma government.
    • All criminal records summons are vettered by the Administrator to scan for metagaming.
  • Terms of loan repayment are considered an IC issue, and are at the discretion of the Banker.
    • Any loan contracts that have their terms broken are also considered an IC issue.
  • Bankers who do not have their loans repaid due to player inactivity will be refunded in full.
  • Bankers who do not have their loans repaid due to character death will be refunded in full by the State, as insured monies.

17.2 Loan Types
Loans may only occur under the following types. It should be noted that you must abide by the type of loan you chase ICly. You are forbidden from accepting a loan of one type, only to use the money for the ventures of another type. As such, you must declare explicitly which loan you are chasing when dealing with Banks ICly.

  1. Personal Loans: Money to be used for individuals or a faction, for spending in the form of goods, services or otherwise.
  2. Business Loans: Money to be used to further progress a business, company, enterprise or registered organisation.
  3. Property Loans: Money to be used for the supplementation of a Property or Whitelisted Job Property Ownership application or with the intent to tackle property tax.

17.3 Loan Abuse
It is forbidden to chase a loan with the specific OOC intent to loophole or to purposefully dodge the accepted practice in any facility other than ICly. Equally, you are more than welcome to roleplay the (lack of) loan repayment or break of loan agreements as you see fit, with full awareness that IC consequences may follow, as long as you are abiding by all rules listed here.

  • Examples of Rulebreak
    • Loaning cash with the sole intent to transfer it to your alternate character slot.
    • Exceeding the written limitation on money loaned by accepting a loan from multiple banks.
    • Purposefully CKing your character with the specific intent to avoid a loan repayment.



18.1 Faction Rules
An extensive documentation of Faction Rules can be found here: FACTION RULES.

18.2 Property Rules
An extensive documentation of Property Rules can be found here: PROPERTY RULES.

18.3 Community Code of Conduct
An extensive documentation of the Community Code of Conduct can be found here: CODE OF CONDUCT.


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Please find the South Tahoma Rules Changelog in the below Spoiler.


19th February 2024

    • Business Properties added to Limited Safe Zones. (Business Properties (saloons, gunsmiths, plantations, theaters, doctor's clinics, etc.))
    • 'Combat & Crime that is allowed in Limited Safe Zones' has been adjusted to separate Mutual & Escalated combat, defining both independently.
      • Mutual Combat (mutually agreed duels, mutually agreed combat (i.e. agreeing to gunfights, etc.)
        This covers combative instances where there is IC consent of agreement to the combat by all participating parties.
      • Escalated Combat (properly & sensibily escalated combat via melee or ranged weaponary.)
        This covers sensibly escalated IC combat, but does not allow players to self-escalate to Heists, Schemes or Raids.
        • You may not self-escalate to any instances listed under Heists & Schemes or Raids.
          These instances must be applied for or Discord ticketed appropriately.
    • Moved Raids from Faction Rules to 9. SAFE ZONES.
      • Raids (Raid.png)
        Apply HERE
        Raiding is defined as a major attack or violent harassment of a town, ranch, plantation, business, law enforcement, government, federal or Faction HQ building with severe malicious intent directed at the inhabitants or property in question.
        • You may find the Raiding Rules in full under Faction Rules, Rule 5.1.
      • Safezone Bypass (Safezone.png)
        Apply HERE
        You may apply to commit combat & crime not already allowed in Limited Safe Zones through our Discord ticket system. Be prepared with a proper motive & reason for your instance to occur. It does not have to be an essay; it simply has to be sensical. You should expect a reply to your Discord ticket within 2 hours.
      • Equally, if you are unsure what your proposed instance falls under - query it via the  Submit.png discord system.
    • Added a description at the forefront of this rule to explain why the section is particularly lengthly.
    • Divided the sections of this rule into subcategories for legibility.
      • Initating Combat, Restrictions, Other
    • Moved Posse Limits from Faction Rules to 10. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.


22nd February 2024

    An addendum has been made to the 'Swarming' rule to disallow emotes with the intent to malicious bury action or directive through the use of obfuscation.
    • 3.1 Swarming
      You may not swarm fellow roleplayers with rapid-fire emotes and dialogue with the obvious intent to disallow them time to respond.  Additionally, you may not stack a single emote with malicious obfuscation with the intent to 'bury' the action or directive of the emote, specifically to confuse your opponent. This applies primarily in combative and conflictable roleplay.
      • Examples of Rulebreak
        • You roleplay grabbing a person's gun from their gun belt and pointing it at them, demanding they hand over the weapon before they can either move, respond or type back to you.
        • You roleplay grabbing a person's hand, twisting it behind their back and then using a rope to tie their hand to a pillar so they can't run away; and all that in a single emote, not giving them time to respond to your actions, one-by-one, as it occurs.
        • You roleplay the firing of a revolver; but bury it in a three-line /me with a plethora of unnecessary adjectives with the clear intent to blindside your opponent in bad faith.
    • Van Horn, Thieves Landing and Rathskeller Fort have been explicitly marked as Unrestricted Safezones. This was the case previously; as we name Rhodes, Valentine, Annesburg, Blackwater & St. Denis as the Limited Safezones, but this is for clarification purposes.
    • We have made explicit distinction between Residential, Business & Faction Properties and the level of escalation required to tackle these premises.


2nd March 2024

    • Added Unlawful Zones
      • As a result, moved Van Horn & Thieves Landing from Unrestricted Safezones to Unlawful Zones.
  • 10.1 Initiating Gunplay
    • Specified that this rule is for initiating any form of meaningful gunplay; not just triggering a gunfight.
    • Added 12.3 Character Kills via Poor Escalation, or Administrative Discretion
      The Administration reserve the right to invoke a Character Kill on any character that is either:
      • In the obvious pursuit of a Self PK to avoid further consequences (whether arrest, jailtime, hanging, trial, or otherwise).
      • In an obvious major scenario that the character has brought upon themselves, rather than sensical escalation.
      • At the Administration's discretion, in roleplay that is done without clear thought, is rushed, is poor, or is a detriment to the overall quality and vision of the server.


4th March 2024

    What this rule outlines is already a part of 'Metagaming', but we have decided to explicitly outline our expectations.
    • 4.4 Efforts to Identify & Nameplating
      You must make appropriate efforts to identify characters via dialogue and emotes who are clearly attempting to conceal their identity through roleplay, clothing, or are appearing as Stranger 0000's. Malicious identification via abusing the presence of the player nameplate system will simply be treated as blatent metagaming.
    This section of the rule has been removed due to the contradictory nature between this element and the rules outlining that gunplay must be initiatied via roleplay.
    • 10.3 Aiming & At Gunpoint Gunplay
      If a player does not have any weapons drawn, you can roleplay aiming your weapon at them to have them at gunpoint. Once a player is at gunpoint:
      • If they attempt to retaliate, flee or roleplay any hostile action, the aggressor does not have to roleplay firing at them if they choose to shoot. If a player is complying, they are protected under 10.9 Unnecessary Killing.
      • If you are being held at gunpoint, you are still bound by Rule 10.1 Initiating Gunplay.
      • If a player has a weapon drawn and you attempt to hold them at gunpoint via the deployment of an aiming emote, the armed victim can retaliate with no prior roleplay and hence combat is initiated, and 10.6 Post-Initiation Combat is in effect.
  • Introduced a /cme command (/combatme), which will replace 3.2 Adequate Response Time. This was done to drift away from the undefinable quantifier Adequate Response Time; to move towards a definitive qualifier in an emote deployment.
    • 3.2 Adequate Response Time
      ART must be granted to fellow roleplayers in all instances to allow the player to read incoming emotes. ART for combative or criminal instances does not have to be as substantial. Equally, the receiving player may not actively delay roleplay in an effort to stall the scene.
    • 10.1 /cme (/combatme)
      Emotes that serve as the initiation of combat must be performed with a /cme, rather than a /me. This will populate the emote in an extended radius, and in a crimson red colouration to advise your opponent of incoming hostility.
      • Only the final emote before the actual initiation of gameplay-combat must be a /cme, meaning the actual punch being sent, weapon being discharged, knife being thrown, etc. - not emotes in the run up to combat, or escalation emotes.
      • Upon the deployment of a /cme10.6 Post-/cme Combat is in immediate effect.
    • 10.5 Post-/cme Combat
      As soon as combat has begun via a /cme, no further roleplay from any parties is required and retaliatory combat/gunfire does not require any roleplay at all. Roleplay must resume upon the obvious conclusion of a combat scene.
  • Generally cleaned up the 10. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT and removed unnecessary words & fluff.
    • 12.4 Revocation of Character Kill Permissions
      Characters who have received permission to chase a character kill through successful application will have their Character Kill permissions nullified if they are PK'd in the pursuit of concluding the character kill; either by retaliation, or other in-character routes.

15th March 2024

    • Added /cmelong, and rules surrounding it's usage.
    • Outlined clearly that the purpose of /cme is to initiate PVP combat, not gunfire that does not intend to immediately start a gunfight. Very simply, /cme marks the end of roleplay and the start of gameplay for that specific combative instance.
      • If your weapon discharge is to initiate PVP, a /cme must be deployed.
      • If your weapon discharge is PvE, warning shots, inconsequential shooting, etc. - /me can instead be deployed.
    • Added 15.3 Script Abuse
      • An upcoming server-wide paycheck system will tie in with Societies soon, this rule is primarily to disallow the abuse of society ranks to abuse the paychecks. Any breakage of this specific section of this rule will be treated with extreme disciplinary.

6th April 2024

  • 1.2 Loopholes & Ignorance
    The rules below may contain loopholes. We expect you to use common sense in such situations; in most cases, if you think that something might not be allowed, it probably isn't. You can double-check things by using the ticket system on Discord, or by using a /helpme ticket in-game.
    • Malicious loopholing will be treated severely; this means taking obvious routes to swerve past our written rules.
    • Ignorance of the rules will not be entertained.
  • 11.4 Amnesia
    Amnesia (memory loss) must be roleplayed if any asked or declared information leads to metagaming, or the implication of your assailants. This means you forfeit any pre-existing knowledge of your assailants, as to accurately close the narrative and continue with your character fruitfully without metagaming.
    We have seen a rise in arguments, jobsworthing and discourse regarding the interact of Dead or Alive Bounties with our Character Kill rules. As such, the Administration have separated a specific section of the Character Kill rules and dedicated them to CK's involving DOA bounties, as below:
    • 12.3 Character Kills involving Dead or Alive Bounties
      The following situations in relation to Dead or Alive bounties can invoke a Character Kill without prior Administrative permission or input:

      • You are the target of a Dead or Alive Bounty.
      • You are chasing the target of a Dead or Alive Bounty with the intent to complete said bounty.
      • You are initiating any lawful roleplay against a character with a Dead or Alive Bounty, and die during the roleplay.
        • This means if a DOA character is the obvious initiator (i.e. you are the recipient) of hostile roleplay, you are not liable for a CK.
        • If you are choosing to respond knowingly in real time to a known DOA character (i.e. riding out to defend), you are liable for a Character Kill.
      • You are willingly involved in a law posse in the pursuit of a criminal who has a Dead or Alive Bounty, and die during the roleplay.

28th June 2024

    Areas on the map where hostile actions are strictly prohibited, unless an Administrator has authorised an instance of crime or combat.

    • Covers

      • /treatment blips of a Doctor's Office
      • All customization areas (barber, tailor, make-up, etc.)
      • All teleport prompts, whether naturally occuring or scripted in.
      • All potential areas leading interface (stables blip, general store blip, etc.)
    Areas of the map where the presence of criminalty would be expected, and the presence of law enforcement would be explicitly unwelcome. These areas are designed to be criminal hives and hubs, and law enforcement may only intervene in these areas in the below circumstances.

    • Covers

      • Van Horn
      • Thieves Landing
      • Saint Denis' "The Bowery" Streets
      • Underground Hideouts (MLO)
    The purpose of differentiation in the Rules of Engagement pertaining to when you should and shouldn't bother to roleplay your actions come down to whether your opponent, assailant or victim has reasonable time to actually stop and type an emote. For example; if one were to deploy a /cme and then immediately start shooting; one can not expect the victim to stand still, eat sh*t and roleplay an emote back. As such, some clarifications have been made to adjust the language to faciliate this expectation.

    • 10.8 Engaging against Fleeing Characters

      • You do not have to roleplay physically chasing, throwing a lasso at or tackling a character that is obviously fleeing.
      • You do have to roleplay the initiation of gunfire against a fleeing character if they are not bound by 10.4 Aiming & At Gunpoint Gunplay, using 10.1 /cme & /cmelong (/combatme) & 10.2 Initiating Gunplay.
    While we updated the Character Kill application long ago, we have brought some paramters from this application forward to the ingame rules. Additions to 12.4 and 12.5 were both already the case; but have been brought forward to the in-game server rules. All of these avenues are at the distinct discretion of the server administration or the conclusion of a player report; appeal or other administrative intervention, and can not be forced by a player.

    • 12.4 Character Kills via Poor Escalation, or Administrative Discretion
      The Administration reserve the right to invoke a Character Kill on any character that is either:

      • In the obvious pursuit of a Self PK to avoid further consequences (whether arrest, jailtime, hanging, trial, or otherwise).
      • In an obvious major scenario that the character has brought upon themselves, rather than sensical escalation.
      • In the obvious & blatent ignorance of adequate Fear Roleplay, or in the clear disregard of the preservation of life.
      • Where the death is as a result of an attempt to execute an accepted Character Kill application, and you, the applicant, are killed.
      • At the Administration's discretion, in roleplay that is done without clear thought, is rushed, is poor, or is a detriment to the overall quality and vision of the server
    • 12.5 Revocation of Character Kill Permissions
      The Administration reserve the right to revoke permission to seek out a character kill in the event that the initial roster of applicants fails, or dies in an attempt to execute the character kill.

    We have noticed a sizeable increase in the usage of AI assisted writing when it comes to both day-to-day IC roleplay, and OOC efforts (such as appeals, applications and such). We'd like to remind everyone that roleplay is a creative outlet; and while AI can be used for assistance or inspiration for roleplay, should not be a crutch for roleplay.

    • 15.5 AI Generated Content
      The use of AI (artifical intelligence) generated content is prohibited from being used in IC scenarios; or any OOC efforts that aren't superficial (e.g. the use of AI in appeals, applications & requests is forbidden). Often times the use of AI will set unrealistic standards and be subject to RPQM investigation.

27th September 2024

An addendum to robbery rules has been added due to the transferance of items that have limited script capabilities behind the scenes (such as the CIR being joblocked fucks it if a non-society individual tries to amend information inside the CIR), and more obviously; whitelisted crafting books that serve no utility to a non-whitelisted job individual.

  • 8.1 Robbery Rules
    You may rob a player's inventory, horse saddlebag, coach or cart inventory with appropriate roleplay and escalation.

    • It is forbidden to force another player to transfer the ownership of their horse, cart or property to you.
    • It is forbidden to force a player to withdraw money from a ledger or bank account.
    • It is forbidden to steal the following items:
      • CIR/MDT (police database item).
      • Whitelisted Crafting Books (medicine, veterinarian, fence, etc.)
      • (Society) Shop Tokens

The adjustments with revival rules have been set in place due to overwhelming cases of indiviudals receiving a revival (regardless of means), and then immediately jumping back in the saddle to either seek new combat, or to seek vengeance on the individual(s) who put them in a downed state immediately, sacrificing injury roleplay entirely. In terms of roleplaying your injuries, 11.1 Injury still outlines this crystal clear. In the very near future, we will look into alternating recovery timeframes for Morphine vs. Field Medicine vs. /treatment.

  • 11.3 Revival
    In a downed state, you are eligible to receive medical treatment and be revived by one of the below three methods. Upon being revived, you are restricted from re-engaging in combative roleplay for x time, excluding self defense, obviously reactive combat or the preservation of your own life.

    • Morphine (1 Hour)
      In where a licenced doctor or nurse practioner performs medicinal roleplay, followed by utility of the Morphine item.
    • Field Aid (2 Hours)
      In where a friend or factionmate utilises /report; presenting injury-appropriate roleplay and the item(s) to the administrator, who has sole discretion to determine if a /revive is appropriate.
    • /treatment (2 Hours)
      A last resort in where you utilise a NPC /treatment spot outside of a doctor's clinic for a set price in the absense of availability of a doctor, nurse or someone to administer field aid roleplay.

We have noticed an issue with the Rules of Engagement as it pertains to "holding someone up", moreover when the 'roleplay stage' ends and the 'gameplay stage' begins in confrontations that escalate from a stick-up to a gunfight. The old iteration of the rules simply did not allow for the flow of the scene to progress sensically; and instead unnecessarily locked both parties behind roleplaying before they acted, extinguishing the element of surprise off the bat and granting inconsistent advantages.. We have reformatted & rephrased these rules to:

  1. Specifically state when roleplay is and is not required for the scene to advance.
  2. Specifically state the protections a victim has, and the permissions an assailant has in a stick-up.
  3. Condense rules 10.5, 10.7, 10.8 into one rule with subclauses.
  • 10.4 Initiating 'At Gunpoint'
    An assailant must make their intent to hold someone 'at gunpoint' clear via aiming at them with a /me(long) to trigger 10.5 Being 'At Gunpoint'.
  • 10.5 Being 'At Gunpoint'
    If you're being held 'at gunpoint', you must roleplay realistically as your character would, noting fear and preservation of life. Any sensible alternatives (e.g. deescalation, begging, weaseling) to the below 3 options are permitted, but do not yield benefits/protections outlined below.
    • Fight
      You may opt to utilise 10.3 Initiating Gunplay & 10.1 /cme in an effort to counter your assailant through roleplay. 
      • If you opt for Fight, an assailant may engage you without roleplay or utility of a /cme.
    • Flight
      You may opt to flee with or without roleplay, upon recognising the hostile intent of your assailant.
      • If you opt for Flight, an assailant may engage you without roleplay or utility of a /cme.
    • Comply
      You may opt to comply with the directives of an assailant. At any point, you may opt to switch to fight or flight.
      • A victim is protected by 10.6 Unnecessary Killing if they are obviously complying.
      • A victim clearly not complying with an assailant's directives or stalling a scene is susceptible to being killed.



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