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  1. The Red Scarf Society (RSS) is a renowned and well known society that encourages women in their quest to get the most from life. Women support other women in their pursuit of freedom, rights, and various other issues in the U.S. Women used this society as gatherings to socialize, learn literacy, and to plan ways to reform society. These clubs allowed women, who had little political standing at the time, to gain greater influence in their communities. Often these women were known to wear a variety of styled red scarfs. Though most of these ladies were not known to be aggressive, they had charisma and there wit's about them to influence not only men, but their own community and even at times, each other. Following several months of peaceful efforts from the group, the Red Scarf Society reportedly sent one of their member's into Saint Denis' saloon on the 18th October, 1892. The member rushed inside with a molotov in hand before throwing it behind the bar, directly towards the bartender. The initial impact of the molotov reportedly killed 2 people, and a further 3 died from their injuries. The molotov caused much destruction for the saloon and nearby buildings, causing over $2000 in repairs to be paid. The offender, Julie MacLoughley, was sentenced to death by hanging, and the Saint Denis Chief of Police publicly stated that should another attack like this occur, "The Red Scarf Society shall seize to exist within hours, and all their members shall be hung." This threat likely scared the organisation from any further violent attacks for the time being, and they continued their peaceful protests, which did not get so far. OOC Information We aim to represent a realistic women's society group, that is used for gatherings, socialization, learning literacy and a way for women to plan ways to try and reform society. The organisation allowed women, who had little political standing at the time, gain greater influence in the community. The Red Scarf Society ICly aims to gain the attention of the government, and give women the rights they deserve, by hosting protests, mainly peaceful, but the odd violent one. We are open to members of other factions joining this faction on the same character, as we are only a group, and are here for the purpose of roleplay only. Should you wish to join this, on a new character, or a character previously made, join the discord, and take a look around! Discord This faction is owned and managed by @Buttercup, I only wrote this thread. Any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Buttercup, or myself and I can assist to the best of my ability.
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