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The Gallows

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Everything posted by The Gallows

  1. Cleaning up the Territory One Trial & One Body at a time... The expansion to Tumbleweed A couple days later... The transport of two prisoners from Armadillo to Tumbleweed
  2. Hay does too but you have to spam it and it becomes tedious.
  3. Title of Suggestion A way to give your horse something to drink on the go What is your suggestion? In New Austin, there are barely any water sources. This suggestion is quite simple: allow us to give our horses something to drink via a command either from a bottle of water from the general store or a canteen. How will this suggestion benefit the South Tahoma community? Makes a lot of sense.
  4. Title of Suggestion Wild animal spawns in New Austin What is your suggestion? Much like how cows and horses have been manually set to spawn in for Ranches, I suggest spawning different types of animals we typically see spawn in the East which is now classed as outside of the map in the West and New Austin. For instance, seeing a herd of bison knock about near a water source like the San Luis River or someplace else, there could even be multiple herd locations. How will this suggestion benefit the South Tahoma community? Different sorts of animals being spawned could offer more roleplay opportunities to the players of New Austin; the tribes protecting them, hunters skinning them for their hide to turn a profit, conflict, even a way to trade later down the line or have some use for their hides. Mainly talking about bison though, like I said previously I'm sure more people can suggest other animals—perhaps even Crocs, alligators, panthers, packs of wolves.
  5. Would be nice if you could be informed you have mail at a nearby telegram office too.
  6. Ah the origins of the dogkicka…
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